
Advanced Grower Solutions - Software Solutions for Plant Growers

Advanced Grower Solutions is a software company servicing Wholesale Nursery Growers. Our solutions are sold by store, by month, are very affordable, and require no large up-front investment. Our training staff and consultants will work to ensure that all of our customers are utilizing the solution to achieve the best possible results.

The biggest benefit to our clients of being a service-based business is that we must continue to meet your needs every month. The web allows us to create custom solutions to your problems and deliver them very quickly. As your needs change, our solutions change.

AGS offers complete inventory management and accounting software which include modules for:

These easy-to-use software modules put information at your fingertips, allowing you to run your business with greater efficiency. From taking phone orders and pulling inventory to loading trucks, generating invoices and running sales analysis reports – the AGS solution helps streamline every aspect of the business cycle.

Many growers nationwide use Advanced Grower Solutions. Each one of these growers unique, in terms of size, number of employees, needs budget, computer proficiency and use of existing software. While AGS offers inventory and accounting software packages, it treats each client individually and can meet specific needs. Unlike other software solutions, the various modules from AGS can be purchased separately, allowing the software to grow with you as your business expands.

With Advanced Grower Solutions, you not only gain a business solution for your wholesale nursery or greenhouse, but also a technology partner. Whether you are replacing another computer system or converting from a paper record keeping process, Advanced Grower Solutions can configure a solution for your business.

Attention Payroll Customers:

As you know, the Tax Reform bill just passed in Congress is working its way into actual published Federal Tax Tables that have yet to be released. We do have Canada, California, North Carolina, and New Mexico tax tables for 2018 in version 17.51 or newer. The state of Washington has implemented a new Sick Leave that goes into effect on January 1, 2018 that operates slightly differently than OR and CA. Detailed documents are attached for Oregon, California, and Washington as well as how to configure the system to calculate Rest Breaks automatically. There are instructions for Healthcare costs on the W2 and the W2 online. If you need help with 1095-C instructions, let us know.

The IRS has released the following statement:

The IRS is working to develop withholding guidance to implement the tax reform bill passed by Congress on December 20. We anticipate issuing the initial withholding guidance in January, and employers and payroll service providers will be encouraged to implement the changes in February. The IRS emphasizes this information will be designed to work with the existing Forms W-4 that employees have already filed, and no further action by taxpayers is needed at this time. Use of the new 2018 withholding guidelines will allow taxpayers to begin seeing the changes in their paychecks as early as February. In the meantime, employers and payroll service providers should continue to use the existing 2017 withholding tables and systems.

We will notify you again when we have a payroll tax table release or full install release with all changes. While we wait, there are some changes you can make in your system. First, you may need to create a new Fiscal Period in your GL. The attached documents have information on how to do that as well as the upcoming payroll changes you can make for 2018. Please forward this email to the persons in your organization who administer payroll in our system. If this email was sent to you, you may be that person, however staff changes and just make sure it gets to the one now responsible.

Remember that the filing date for W2’s to the government is now also January 31st. It has been moved up to January 31st the same deadline to give copies of W2’s to your employees. Clerks usually had till the end of February for paper filing, or end of March for e-filing. Just a heads up when scheduling your January. Information about ordering W2 forms is in the attached document. 1099’s with Box 7 are also now due January 31st.

W2’s and 1099’s did not have changes to the format, so you could also print those without an update. Your Forms 940 and 943 will need an update to show the 2017 Form, however if you use the downloaded form from the web and transfer the numbers from our form, you can move forward on the forms without an update as the basic field amounts that we print did not change logic.

GL year end procedures outside of payroll, are printing 1099’s, creating the new fiscal year, and later running the Year End Closing process off the GL menu, which can be done in the future any time after you get your adjusting journal entries back from your accountant. Our system is date driven, which means that you can just continue from one year to the next and transactions will fall into the period by transaction date, not the posting date.

If you have any questions, please contact your CSC or email support

Happy Year End!